God’s answer for orphans and foster youth. The Church.

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The Christian Alliance for Orphans

Let every child experience
God's unfailing love

CAFO unites a movement of organizations, churches and individuals worldwide.

Christian giving to orphan care has grown roughly 3X faster than all charitable giving by Americans — 4 years in a row!

Orphan Sunday was observed
in 2 countries in 2009 and
120+ countries in 2020!

The first Summit in 2004 included 38 attendees.  The CAFO2022 Summit drew over 2,000 from 45+ countries!

About CAFO

CAFO unites more than 225 respected organizations and a global network of churches. We labor together in shared initiatives that inspire and equip Christians for effective orphan care, family preservation, adoption and foster care. We work to see the local church in every nation known as the primary answer for the needs of vulnerable children in their midst.

Movement Voices


It is spreading here, powerfully. African churches and African families are saying, “We will welcome these children God loves so much!"

George Ndhawa, Kenya

I’m seeing local churches waking to orphan care and adoption in ways we never did in the past.

Malen Papadopoulos, Philippines

We’re serious about this, we’re not going to back down until every orphan is cared for.

Francis Chan